
What is the refund policy for Cathay Pacific Extra-legroom Seat?

by Guest4692  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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If I cancel my Cathay Pacific Extra-legroom seat then how I will be refunded for my cancellation of Cathay Pacific Extra-legroom seat.

 Tags: Cathay, Extralegroom, Pacific, policy, refund, seat



  1. Guest6728
    It is refundable if the Extra-legroom Seat is not utilized because
        * the flight is disrupted,
        * the flight is cancelled, or
        * the connecting flight from an inbound or/and outbound Cathay Pacific Airways and Dragonair operated flight is missed because of flight re-timing.
    Cathay Pacific Airways and Dragonair will refund you the additional charge paid for the Extra-legroom Seat. Refund will be in the original form of payment within 1 month

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