
What is the street drug krokodil and how harmful is it?

by Guest93299  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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What is the street drug krokodil and how harmful is it?

 Tags: drug, harmful, krokodil, Street



  1. Victor Strong

     Krokodil, is the street name for Desomorphere, an opiate that is essentially a cheaply made heroine. The drug which was created in Russia has made its way to the U.S. and is reaping some serious damage in the streets. The toxic concoction is derived from codeine based pills that are treated with iodine and gasoline. It is incredibly harmful as even limited use can lead to necrotized tissue as skin and flesh rot from the inside out. Eventually the liver and vital organs are damaged with users not living beyond 2-3 years. The drug is also highly addictive as one to two injections are enough to get someone hooked.


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