
What is windows registry file and what is it's importance?

by Guest3027  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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What is windows registry file and what is it's importance?

 Tags: File, importance, Registry, Windows



  1. Guest932
    Windows registry files is one of the most important things for your operating system where all configuration files are saved. They need to be maintained periodically. Registry cleaners are specially designed to keep you away from all registry errors and make your windows registry up-to-date.

  2. Guest3853
    Windows registry is a database for information about a computer’s configuration. The registry keeps growing when you use Windows and stores a lot of unnecessary information then your computer becomes slow, degrades the system performance, and causes many software problems. for more info:
  3. Guest6532
    As the Windows registry is a database for information about a computer’s configuration, unless you know what you're doing with it, don't mess with it.   You can however safely clean and optimize it by using one of my favorite acclaimed free programs "CCleaner" that you can get from
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