
What to do when friends come over

by Guest2659  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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What to do when friends come over

 Tags: friends



  1. Guest3635
    if they are friends do what ever they wanna do just be yourself and have fun

  2. amomipais82
    Watch movies, give eachother makeovers, play games (Apples to Apples is fun), draw, color (really, it's great), cook a meal, bake stuff, do an exercise tape or a dance-teaching tape together, make encouraging cards for people you know...
    Best of luck
  3. Guest8482
    Have a girls day and go out to get your hair and nails done!
  4. Guest9576
    u can make a music video pretend to be reports do wat ev she\he is ur bff or f it is wat u want
  5. Guest1630

     wtf ur weird 


  6. Guest4724

    play dance dance  lol lol lol lol lol lol

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