
What was the Islamic view of Moses?

by Guest847  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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What was the Islamic view of Moses?

 Tags: Islamic, Moses, View



  1. GiGi
    Moses (Arabic ???? Musa ) (circa 1436/1228 BC – 1316/1108 BC) is considered a prophet in Islam(Quran 20:13). According to the Muslim creed, all Muslims must have faith in all Prophets and Messengers. A Prophet (Nabi) or a Messenger (Rasool) in Islam is ma'soom (protected by divine revelation from sins). Many Prophets and Messengers were also given miracles by God. And thirdly, their teachings are binding on all Muslims. It must be noted that all any person, in order to enter the fold of Islam, must declare a firm faith in all Prophets and Messengers mentioned in the Qur'an (which includes Moses) and rejecting or humiliating any one of them leads to apostasy and excommunication from the Muslim community. Moses is also referred to by the title Kalim Allah meaning "He who spoke with God." The Qur'an recounts more stories of his life than of any other prophet. It is believed that Musa lived to be up to 120 years

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