
What were the U.S Objections on Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan?

by Guest3508  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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What were the U.S Objections on Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan? I want to know.

 Tags: Abdul, Dr, Khan, Objections, qadeer, u.s



  1. Guest9156
    In 1987, a British newspaper reported that Khan had confirmed Pakistan's acquisition of a nuclear weapons development capability, saying that a U.S. intelligence report "about our possessing the bomb (nuclear weapon) is correct and so is speculation of some foreign newspapers".[citation needed] The Pakistani government disavowed the statement. Then Khan denied giving the statement, but later retracted his denial. In October 1991, the Pakistani newspaper Dawn reported that Khan had repeated his claim at a dinner meeting of businessmen and industrialists in Karachi, which "sent a wave of jubilation" through the audience.[citation needed]
    During the 1980s and 1990s, Western governments became increasingly convinced that China, Pakistan, and North Korea were collaborating on nuclear technology and ballistic missiles. "U.S. intelligence operatives secretly rifled A.Q. [Khan's] luggage ... during an overseas trip in the early 1980s to find the first concrete evidence of Chinese collaboration with Pakistan's nuclear bomb effort: a drawing of a crude, but highly reliable, Hiroshima-sized nuclear weapon that must have come directly from Beijing, according to the U.S. officials."[citation needed] In October 1990, KRL's activities led the U.S. to terminate economic and military aid to Pakistan, which led to a freeze in Pakistan's nuclear weapons development program. But in July 1996 Khan said, "at no stage was the program of producing nuclear weapons-grade enriched uranium ever stopped".[16]
    The American clampdown may have prompted an increasing reliance on Chinese expertise. In 1995, the U.S. learned that KRL had bought 5,000 specialized magnets from a Chinese company, for use in enrichment.[citation needed]

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