
Where Indian armed forces stand:

by Guest1440  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Where indian armed forces stand in Asia. Can IAF compete China?

 Tags: Armed, forces, Indian, Stand



  1. Guest452

    The IAF is considering one of the largest military in the world.  India has the armed forces of almost 1.32 million active standing army and 2.14 million reserve forces. It is third-largest active troops in the world after the PLA and US Armed Forces. The Armed Forces of India are equipped with nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles as well as nuclear-capable aircraft, and naval vessels. India is the largest importer of arms, and is ranked among the top thirty in arms export. Israel, Russia and the United States are its top military suppliers.  India’s defense expenditures will be around US$112 billion by 2016.

    Of course, India needs to improve its military strategy and technology. China is progressing rapidly with great pace while India is still lacking behind in many areas. India is spending billions of dollars to improve its Military technology. Though India has got success at many grounds but still far behind from China. Even India cannot compete Pakistan in the field of missile technology. Pakistan missiles are the state of the art and a step ahead in technology. Their accuracy is considered as pin point precision. India has failed to upgrade their missiles system while Pakistan has achieved many successes to improve and upgrade missile technology.

    Although India is getting aid and assistance from developed countries to fill its gap of technology but still lacking behind China. India definitely needs to enhance her military equipments. Otherwise, her dream to be the super power of Asia will not be fulfilled.


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