
Where can I find a list of Michael Douglas movies?

by Guest9667  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Is there any source other than Wikipedia from where I can get a complete list of Michael Douglas movies?

 Tags: Douglas, list, Michael, movies



  1. Guest1570

    Here're Michael Douglas movies in chronological order:

    1983------>The Star Chamber

    1984------>Romancing the Stone

    1985------>The Jewel of the Nile

    1985------>A Chorus Line

    1987------>Wall Street

    1987------>Fatal Attraction

    1989------>The War of the Roses

    1989------>Black Rain

    1992------>Shining Through

    1992------>Basic Instinct

    1993------>Falling Down


    1995------>The American President

    1996------>The Ghost and the Darkness

    1997------>The Game

    1998------>A Perfect Murder


    2000------>Wonder Boys

    2001------>Don't Say a Word

    2001------>One Night at McCool's

    2003------>The In-Laws

    2003------>It Runs in the Family

    2006------>You, Me and Dupree

    2006------>The Sentinel

    2007------>King of California

    2009------>Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

    2009------>Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

    2010------>Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

    2010------>Solitary Man


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