
Where to find OCS office that send HEC Pakistan degrees for attestation in Faisalabad?

by Guest8286  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I am living in Faisalabad and want to send my degree to HEC Pakistan for attestation, how can I send my degree. Please tell me about this.

 Tags: Attestation, degrees, faisalabad, HEC, OCS, Office, Pakistan, send



  1. Guest8387
    You can find OCS office in Rahim Yar Khan that send degree to HEC Pakistan at 13/3, SHAHI ROAD, NEAR RAILWAY CHOWK, RAHIM YAR KHAN, you can contact them at 0685877148.

  2. Guest9002

     ALL YOU NEED IS TO FIND a gerry fedex office in faislabad, then complete an online form on hec's website , and post your documents through geryy's fedex.

  3. Guest7715
    You can find OCS office in Faisalabad that send degree to HEC Pakistan for attestation at Premises No,171-A Peoples Colony No,1 Faisalabad, you can contact them at 041-8559093.
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