
Where to find examples of audio web page design?

by Guest6697  |  13 years ago

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Most of the custom web-designing firms do not offer you with what you really offer. I am planning to establish a website that could support music and video too. My basic intent is to first go for audio web page designing. I tried my best to sort them out online, but I could not figure out top names. What am I suppose to do in order to get the list of some top audio webpage designing companies who can provide me with full audio support? Any healthy solution to this problem will be highly appreciated. I just want to have some top-order audio webpage designing companies in the world, as I need some design ideas for audio web page. Can you please tell me where to get audio web page designing examples?

 Tags: audio, Design, examples, page, Web



  1. Guest1540

    In my personal opinion, it is not a rocket science to find world top audio webpage development companies online. Make proper searches with relevant keywords to get your desired list of audio webpage development companies. I am known to some of the globally leading custom audio web page designing companies and I hope that these links will not only give proper idea of embedding audio and video codes into your website, but will also help you get some audio webpage designs to select one from. For your convenience, I have some html codes for embedding audio into your website. Have a look:

    Google Reader MP3 Player

    <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="audioUrl=MP3_FILE_URL" src="" width="400" height="27" quality="best"></embed>

    Yahoo! MP3 Player

    <embed src="" width="400" height="40" wmode="transparent" flashVars="playlist_url=MP3_FILE_URL&amp;skin_color_1=-145,-89,-4,5&skin_color_2=-141,20,0,0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

    Yahoo! Media Player

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    Odeo MP3 Player

    <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="400" height="52" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="transparent" flashvars="audio_duration=DURATION&amp;external_url=MP3_FILE_URL" />

    For further information on audio webpage designs, please refer to the following websites:

    Labnol dot org, wdvl dot com, webdesign dot about dot com, walthowe dot com. Good luck!



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