
Where to find good Canada immigration lawyer?

by Guest583  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I am living in Islamabad and recently my application for immigration has been rejected and I want to plead through Canada immigration lawyer. But do not know how to get one. Can you help me in this regard? I am quite disappointed with this situation. I hope you can understand my problem and help me in this regard.


 Tags: Canada, immigration, Lawyer



  1. Guest4029

    Hello there

    Sorry to hear that and I think you need a professional immigration lawyer who could easily solve this issue. There are different issues which are interlinked with immigration process.

    You know there are certain issues and complications as the immigration authority rejects visas. Do not worry, as there are various firms and professional immigration lawyers who can solve your problem easily.

    Here is a list of some of the most talented lawyers who can solve you problem easily. You can visit these sites and can easily assess your problem here. Still have some confusion about immigration process than share it with the most professional lawyers. Just follow these links.

    These are the best resources where you can hire a lawyer and solve your problem. Three months ago, a very close friend of mine from Islamabad was having the same issue, and was facilitated by one of these. I hope your problem can be solved easily. I you have some confusion related to immigration issues, feel free to contact me again. I am always happy to be of your help.



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