
Where to find web hosting company for small business?

by Guest3321  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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I have a small business of antiques and I am looking for any web hosting company for small business. do you the names of some web hosting companies for small businesses. I have asked some friends about this but they do not know about this. I am looking for some serious help here. Can someone tell me that? I would be glad if you can help me.

 Tags: business, Company, Hosting, Web



  1. Guest949

    Small business web hosting services have different servers for your commerce websites and usually price more than physical website servers. However, you can simply locate inexpensive commerce web hosting via practicing a detailed hunt on the internet.

    Here are some webhosting companies I know and they are quite cheap and affordable. I am mentioning the prices a long with some other details. Hope this will help you in your search.

    InMotion A2Hosting

    Price $5.95 business class hosting, 99.9% uptime guarantee ax speed zone enabled, easy to use control panel top notch support available

    Green Geeks

    Price $4.95 free domain name, host domains $50 free ads credits, online support 24/7free site migration, web site builder & templates

    Just Host

    Prices $4.45 host websites and MySQL databases free domain for life, $75 free advertising credits anytime money back and 99.9% uptime guarantee


    Price $4.50 allow to host domains and database free domain name, $450 of FREE extras super fast servers and professional support

    Fat Cow

    Price $4.67 domain hosting and MySQL databases free domain for life, $75 advertising credits

    99.9% uptime guarantee, fast hosting support


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