
Where to get mortal kombat shaolin monks cheats?

by Guest2999  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Hey there, i have recently started playing Mortal kombat shaolin monks and i am looking for its cheats. Can someone give me the mortal kombat shaolin monks cheats?

 Tags: cheats, kombat, Monks, mortal, Shaolin



  1. Guest4146

    Cheats for Unlocking Mortal Kombat II in Mortal Kombat shaolin monks

    Locate and clear all mini-missions issued by Smoke.

    1. Break Walls in the Soul Tombs to reveal a secret fatality. This is is an area with spikes on the ceiling and about 6 Tarkata in the room. You can see out on the far side of the room and you need to break the four center sections of the wall.

    3. Destroy a statue in Wu'Shui academy and enter the Warrior Shrine. The Warrior Shrine is at the VERY start of the Wu'Shui area.

    5. Offer 3 Sacrifices in the Sacrifice Room in Soul Tombs. You need to go through the room that doesn't have a green or red symbol above it and then do air throws to get the Tarkatas into the spiked areas.

    7. To unlock the Portal, find all Purple Portals and throw an enemy into each one. There are only 2 portals to throw mobs into. One is near the Evil Monastery and one is at the lower level near the climbing spot.

    9. To unlock the Pit II, enter the Portal and survive in the frozen peaks. After you enter the portal you just need to keep killing the guys that show up until it says you've won. We found that tossing them off the side seemed to prove quite useful and then just killing one when you need to recharge your life a bit.

    Listed above are some cheats of mortal kombat shaolin monks, for a detail guide on the cheats of mortal kombat shaolin monks reffer to


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