
Where to go in 2009?

by Guest3123  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Now that year 2008 is coming to an end, where to go in 2009? what places are going to be hotest places in 2009?

 Tags: 2009?



  1. Guest7540
    "Altinkum Beach"

  2. Guest6498
    "Altinkum Beach"
  3. Guest2557
    "Altinkum Beach"
  4. Guest1988
    Visit Dubai in 2009

    Dubai is the place to be, they are building like there is no tomorrow and the price should come down in the next few months. It has beautiful beaches a perfect mix between the east and the west.
  5. Guest4763
    no where,wana stay cool as i m.....and want a busy life......also i need 1 thng a grlfnd with whom i can spend much of my time in the kmin year
  6. Guest1615
    yeah! Al-Jumeriah Beach!
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