
Which animals are present at Uluru?

by Guest812  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Uluru is giving shelter to many animals. Can someone tell me that which animals are present in Uluru Australia?

 Tags: animals, Uluru



  1. Guest3339
    46 species of native mammals are known to have been living near Uluru; according to recent surveys there are currently 21. Aṉangu acknowledge that a decrease in the number has implications for the condition and health of the landscape. Moves are supported for the reintroduction of locally extinct animals such as Malleefowl, Common Brushtail Possum, Rufous Hare-wallaby or Mala, Bilby, Burrowing Bettong and the Black-flanked Rock-wallaby, Red Kangaroo, Bush Turkey, Emu, lizards, house mouse, camel, fox, cat, dog and rabbit.

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