
Which are the famous places to visit in Sialkot?

by Guest3551  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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We have to go to Sialkot to buy some sports good for our club and decided to stay there to visit some places in Sialkot. Please tell which are the famous places to visit in Sialkot?

 Tags: famous, Sialkot, Visit



  1. Guest9285
    Some of the good places to visit in Sialokot:
    • Seerat Study Center is locate on Ghazi Road in cantonment area.
    • Imam Ali ul Haq shrine is on Imam Sahib Road.
    • Iqbal's Birth Place (Iqbal Manzil/ Museum) in situated on Iqbal Road in the old city.
    • Sialkot Fort Centuries old fort ruines are in the center of the city on Fort Road.
    • Baba Bari Sahib Centuries old Sikh shrine(Bari Sahib) is located on Zafarwal Road.
    • Jinnah Stadium (International Cricket Test Centre) is located on Circular Road.
    • Sialkot Cathedral - This 160 years old cathedral is located in cantonment area.
    • Clock Tower Century old Clock Tower is the most famous landmark of Sialkot, situated in Saddar Bazar.
    • Puran Bhagat Well - Another historical site situated near cantonment area.
    • Local Industry - Visit Sialkot Chamber of Commerce to see local products. You can ask them to arrange visit local manufacturing units (Sports goods, garments, leather, surgical instruments, music instruments).
    • Hockey Academy, Gulshan Park Near Pulaik. Field Hockey Academy, recently added by first Astro Truff in the City.

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