
Which is the best time to travel in Australia?

by Guest8563  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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My family is planning a vacation in Australia and I want to know which is the best season for us to travel there, as the climate is so different.

 Tags: Australia, time, travel



  1. Guest450
    Australia is such a large country, its weather varies significantly in different parts of the continent. It is generally a very dry place, so summers can get much hotter. The pattern of rainfall is also distinct. Some places have abundant rain at one time of the year and almost none at other times. Summer falls in the months of December to February, autumn in March to May, winters in June to August and spring season is in September to November.
    I would recommend that is you want to travel to Australia it is better to go in the months of September to November which are the best ones to enjoy the most amazing weather in the country or in March to May, when the heat of the sun is low.

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