
Who can apply to NUS Singapore as an exchange student?

by Guest8496  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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My friend is a student of history in National University of Singapore. He has been given the task of writing an essay on the topic who can apply to NUS Singapore as an exchange student?

 Tags: apply, exchange, Nus, singapore, student



  1. Guest390
    You must be a current student registered at one of our partner universities and have completed at least
    two semesters (one year) of university level work before coming to NUS. Exchange students must obtain
    formal approval from your home university (student exchange/study abroad co-ordinator) to attend NUS.
    Exchange applications will only be accepted on the basis of official nominations from a partner university.
    As English is the main language of instruction at the University (except for Asian/European studies where a
    good command of the respective Asian/European language is a pre-requisite), you must be proficient in the
    English language in order to benefit from your studies at NUS.

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