
Who invented Monopoly?

by Guest8607  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Who invented Monopoly?

 Tags: invented, monopoly



  1. Guest6328
    parker brothers.

  2. Guest3149
    According to the official Monopoly web site ( "It was 1934, the height of the Depression, when Charles B. Darrow of Germantown, Pennsylvania, showed what he called the Monopoly game to the executives at Parker Brothers."

    Darrow's design was strikingly similar to one patented on January 5, 1904, by Lizzie J. Magie, a Quaker woman from Virginia. Her game was called The Landlord's Game and was based on the philosophy that the renting of land and real estate produced an unearned increase in land values that profited a few individuals (landlords) rather than the majority of the people (tenants).
  3. Guest1519
    It was 1934, the height of the Great Depression, when Charles B. Darrow of Germantown, Pennsylvania, showed what he called the MONOPOLY game to the executives at Parker Brothers. Can you believe it, they rejected the game due to "52 design errors"! But Mr. Darrow wasn't daunted. Like many other Americans, he was unemployed at the time, and the game's exciting promise of fame and fortune inspired him to produce the game on his own. With help from a friend who was a printer, Mr. Darrow sold 5,000 handmade sets of the MONOPOLY game to a Philadelphia department store. People loved the game! But as demand for the game grew, he couldn't keep up with all the orders and came back to talk to Parker Brothers again. The rest, as they say, is history! In its first year, 1935, the MONOPOLY game was the best-selling game in America. And over its 65-year history, an estimated 500 million people have played the game of MONOPOLY!
  4. Guest1411
    Parker Brothers
  5. Saba
    Charles Darrow, a US citizen, invented Monopoly in 1931, during the Great Depression. Out of work, Darrow earned a living inventing puzzles and games, to sell to toy-makers. With some difficulty, he sold Monopoly to Parker Brothers on a royalty basis. The game sold so well that Darrow became a millionaire. The original game had properties named after streets, hotels, etc. in Atlantic City, where Darrow lived. In India, we played with the British version, with names like Old Kent Road and Piccadilly. Later, an Indian version was released; it was called Trade and featured sites in Mumbai, such as Churchgate Station and Byculla.
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