
Why Chaka Khan is in trouble over missed rent payment?

by Guest4787  |  12 years, 12 month(s) ago

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My father was listening to news and I just had a glimpse of the Chaka Khan news that she had some trouble due to rent payment. I never heard this name before, please tell me that who is Chaka Khan and why she is in trouble.

 Tags: Chaka, Khan, Missed, payment, Rent, trouble



  1. Guest8697

    Chaka Khan born on March 23, 1953 is an American singer and composer who gained fame in the 1970s as the front woman and focal point of the funk band Rufus. Khan has been married three times and has two children.

    The news about her is that, she hasn’t been paying the rent on her New Jersey home and now she’s facing legal action over her missed payments.

    According to reports the singer and her sister Tammy McCrary signs a contract to least a mansion in Watchung for two weeks during June but failed to pay for their time at the property.

    Landlord Maryse Selit alleges that the R&B star left town after the first week and didn’t pay her full bill as she had promised. Selit claims they lost out on other business because of the situation, telling the National Enquirer:

    “Chaka and her entourage stayed only one week, but I’m stuck for two. I told them I had someone who was willing to pay rent for the entire two weeks.”

    “I know I can sue them, but I was trying to settle this the easiest way possible. Now they’re acting like I don’t exist.”

    Khan’s people have not yet commented on the situation; that is the news all about Chaka Khan.

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