
Why HEC is being devolved?

by Guest5825  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Why has the Pakistani government taken the decision of devolving HEC, what could be the possible reasons for this devolvement?

 Tags: devolved, HEC



  1. Guest9027

     Implementation Commission has taken up a firm decision to devolve Higher Education Commission (HEC) to the provinces and have even started the process of consultation with the provincial governments without taking HEC in to confidence. The reason, why government is devolving HEC is to save its money. HEC comes in the jurisdiction of federal government. Its being handed over to the provinces, so that they can run this institute through the NFC award money, and in the mean time government can save some money. Members of the implementation commission so far have received positive responses from Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhawa governments.

  2. Guest7547

     Save money are you serious about that one Minister have 300k daily expences and since there are more than 30 Ministers in my knowledge might be more. Nations are build by education not by saving money in education well how can i explain when people chased by Agencies come into Government by people power but atleast they should not be disturbing the people who had not choose them rather ignorant public which is sadly to say in 70% population :p

  3. Guest7085

     Well its not mandatory in 18th amendment that HEC should be handed over to Provincess...its all because of Fake degrees of politicians being verified by HEC.

  4. Guest5403
    We can assail the HEC for not confronting its full prospect, but devolution towards the provinces is very disturbing. Pakistan needs a central body to maintain and herald upper education standards. HEC was showing rapid progress because it was granted massive funds in last few years, and it was operated by very experienced people. Unlike most government agents, whereas it is steely towards dot whereas finance is being spent, the HEC’s work is visible within the form of various scholarship and infrastructural projects. It has been hailed internationally for an excellent rise in Pakistan’s upper education standards.
  5. Guest2300

    it's  t*t for tat policy. Since HEC refused to bend in front of fake degree holders and decided to do what is in the interest of nation, therefore, implmentation committe  decided to punish HEC by dissolving it.

    Secondly, the mindset of civil -political bureaucracy are against of HEC ever since its inception because it is hard for them to digest the fact that commoner now has access to the higher education , which was unimaginable in the era of UGS.

    Provinces do not have the capacity, human resource and mindset to run schools and colleges;how they can handle very sepcialized subject of higher education. HEC has become startegically important organization as we understand that PhDs it will produce will bring some change in the research culture . It s

    Therefore protect HEC and save it from the fangs of fake degree holders.


  6. Guest5343

    After effects of fake degree attestations 


  7. Guest690

    it is not good pakistani govt must though about this act thnx

  8. Guest8145

    This will demolish the higher education sector in Pakistan. HEC breaking up means

    • No more dreams of quality of Education in Pakistan

    • No more scholarships

    •  No more teacher TRAININGS 


    Stop the devolution for the sake of Future of Pakistan.....

  9. Guest3840


    Please Save futre of Young Generation.......................................


  10. Guest7014

     A big blow to Pakistan’s Higher Education sector


  11. Guest3790

    In our country we have only one asset only and the govt. want to snatched our asset. and the political parties want to dissolve because they are illetrate and have fake degrees. so they dissolve HEC.

  12. Guest7315


    Please Read below mentioned message received from Dr. Atta.Ur.Rehman

    Message from Dr. Atta ur Rahman

    Dear Colleagues

    In a shocking move, the present government approved the shredding of

    the Higher Education Commission into pieces and handing the functions

    to the provinces. The Cabinet formally approved this last week.

    This was illegal as HEC was a Federal Regulatory Authority and

    protected under the 18th amendment of the Constitution like other

    Federal Regulatory Authorities . It was also completely autonomous,

    and reported directly to the Prime Minister. However it was treated as

    if it was a part of the Ministry of Education, and since the Ministry

    of Education was being devolved, so this was too. HEC had developed

    many enemies when I was its Chairman as I was determined to strictly

    follow merit and not compromise on principles. Dr. Sohail Naqvi,

    Executive Director, continued these policies, after I resigned,  as

    did the new Chairman Dr. Javaid Laghari. This annoyed many

    Parliamentarians, specially on the matter of forged degrees as HEC

    refused to testify them as genuine.

    This is disastrous for the future of Pakistan as it will lead to

    horrendous problems. it will lead to multiplicity of standards and

    cause the same chaotic situation that exists in our schools. It will

    also lead to massive corruption as the provincial governments will now

    be able to exert direct pressures to appoint their cronies at key

    positions in universities. Greedy politicians have their eyes on

    university lands worth hundreds of billions of rupees and these can be

    swallowed after appointment of their own persons at key positions.

    Universities that are favourites will be better funded and the

    formula-based funding evolved by HEC will vanish. The $ 300 million

    committed by the World Bank and $ 250 million agreed to by US AID will

    also no longer be available as these were linked to the status of HEC

    not being changed. The written commitment of the Ministry of Finance

    with the World Bank to give sizeable increases in funding to HEC,

    resulting in doubling of its recurring and development budgets over

    the next 3 years will also now no longer be honoured as funding will

    now be a provincial responsibility except for the few Federal

    Universities. Most importantly, the national focus to train manpower

    in key areas of national importance, in harmony with the long term

    development plans, will be replaced by a fragmented approach.

    I recently held a Press Conference in Islamabad on the platform of the

    Pakistan Academy of Sciences (of which I am now President) calling

    upon the government to reverse this decision to shred HEC. I also

    discussed the matter with Dr. A.Q.Khan who wrote an article for The

    News. This was published (as views expressed by him) in The News

    (Islamabad  edition) 2 days ago and in the Karachi edition yesterday.

    I have also written an article which is attached. It should be

    published in a national newspaper within a couple of days.

    I would like each of you to take a strong stand on the matter and

    write articles in national newspapers urging the government to reverse

    this decision.. We cannot be bystanders as the HEC is shredded into

    pieces. This was one sector that was working well, six years of my

    life went in into building this vibrant institution as its founding

    Chairman. The work of HEC drew much international praise.  Alas it has

    now been destroyed.

    Will you act?

    Kind regards


    Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS

    NI,HI,SI,TI, UNESCO Science Laureate

    Alas it has been destroyed......Please think about it .....

    Sajjad Ahmed

    MS(CS) 4Th

    University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi


  13. Guest703

     The possible reason behind devolution is to put resistence against and weakning  "Technocratic government (if it is true)" 

  14. Guest9283

     see the link This video is about protest against HEC being devolved.

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