
Why can't I see myself in the mirror?? PLZ HELP!

by Guest8537  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Why can't I see myself in the mirror?? PLZ HELP!

 Tags: cant, Help, mirror, plz



  1. amomipais82
    Hi There,
    If it makes you happy you can be anything--even queen Elizabeth if that makes you happy but it appears you are and extrinsic type personality so "yes you are a good looking vampire with a touch of narcissism and a bit of anxiety disorder that becomes evident when you are about to leave your place of employment and has a need to reach out and give people a chance to laugh just before the weekend but that has developed this behavior due to childhood issues that have gone unexplored but would generate much if only you open yourself up and disclose incidents that have marked you through your adulthood; not judging just practicing my assessment of your hidden self.

  2. Guest2744
    Because you are ugly!
  3. Guest1139
    open your eyes first dumbshit.
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