
Why do black people hate each other so much?

by Guest2817  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Why is it black people a lot of the time can't accept their own people for who they are, especially when they aren't doing any real harm to a person physically or whatever. Since when is there a standard to what it takes beyond genetics to be part of a race or ethnic group?

 Tags: Black, hate, people



  1. Guest6797
    Excellent question indeed.

  2. Guest3358
    Black people dont hate people, if a black person pisses another black person off of course they gon get mad. u askin this question is lyk sayin ur a rlly stuck-up white person.
  3. Guest4814
    This is  Guest19258525 & this is to reply to Guest19360777, I AM BLACK.
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