
Why do my statistics differ between AdSense and Analytics?

by Guest4831  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I have linked my analytics and adsense account for various benefits. But now the stats of both differ. I tend to know why

 Tags: AdSense, Analytics, Statistics



  1. Guest4590
    If you see discrepancies between the reports in your AdSense account and those in the AdSense section of Analytics, then please keep in mind these important points:
    • AdSense reports in Analytics only track AdSense for content ad units, and do not include link units, search boxes, mobile ads, or any other AdSense products.
    • You must include Analytics code on every webpage running AdSense for content ad units.
    • If you are tracking AdSense in Analytics on multiple domains, you must include a third code snippet, the AdSense Analytics Code, on all webpages on all domains other than your primary domain

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