
Why do no guys like me?

by Guest4139  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Everyone tells me that I'm pretty, that I'm smart, sweet and funny. But somehow guys in my school only go for the total b!tchy $luts. They dress in completely revealing clothes, are stupid as h**l and will probably end up nowhere in life, and probably only attract guys because they stuff their bras BIG TIME. There are a few nice and friendly guys who I would love to go out with, but all they can do is stare at this stupid trashy sk@nks all day long instead of having some common sense. I'm not asking to be a guy magnet, just wondering why THESE kinds of girls are alive and well?

 Tags: GUYS



  1. Guest829
    I think I might if you call 905 542 0504
  2. Guest350
    bcuz u b mean 2 kidz like ME!!!!!!!!! yeah, i said it!!!!!!!!! and i was not cheating on my hw, my eacher jus didnt teach us dat yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Guest3083
    SAME @MY SCHOOL!!!!!!!! Guys go for girls with big @$$es and girls that are very chesty. I totally understand you. I don't dress like that or flirt. But wen I had my first boyfriend, a total of 9 people either said: a) I think she's hott b)I like you  or  C) asked me out. I now am starting to realize guys want what they can't have. Try asking a guy out and see where that gets you. Mabye then you will realize the same as me.

    PS.: I REALLY hope this helps you. And I support you for posting this question.
  4. Guest2342
    i can answer if you call 248 818 0272
  5. Guest5105
    because guys only think with their little heads.
    and the ones that dont have hot a*s girlfriends already.
    its a lose lose situation.
    but those s****s are going to be the ones getting screwed over by these high school boys.
  6. Guest482
    Ppl probably tell u that ur pretty to keep u happy. Maybe ur ugly.
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