
Why is Baltit Fort of Hunza Valley so famous for?

by Guest7298  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I heard a lot about Baltit Fort of Hunza Valley and want to know that why is Baltit Fort of Hunza Valley so famous for?

 Tags: Baltit, famous, Fort, HUNZA, valley



  1. Guest5679
    Baltit Fort or Balti Fort is an  aged   fortress  in the Hunza valley in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. In  first  times survival of the feudal regimes of Hunza was  assured  by the  amazing  Baltit fort, that sit on  apex  of Karimabad. The  groundworks  of the  fortress  are said to  day of the year  back  throughout  700 years, but there have been rebuilds and alterations over the centuries. In the 16th  one  100   the Thum  wedded  a princess from Baltistan who  fetched   guru  Balti craftsmen to renovate the  erected structure  as part of her dowry. The architectural  approach  is a clear  signal  of Tibetan  effect  in Baltistan at the time.
    The Mirs of Hunza deserted the fortress in 1945, and transferred to a new mansion down the hill. The fortress commenced to decomposition and there was worry that it might perhaps plunge into ruin. Following a study by the Royal Geographical Society of London, a restoration outline was begun and carried by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture Historic Cities Support Programme. The outline was concluded in 1996 and the fortress is now a museum collection run by the Baltit Heritage Trust.

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