
Why is it Advised not to swim after eating?

by Guest8800  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Swimming - This myth dates half a century back when the American Red Cross has published an instruction on life-saving saying that swimming immediately after meal may cause stomach cramps and even death. But later this theory was questioned. Many swimmers assert that they usually cover long distances during training sessions immediately after meal.

Why does this lead to death?

 Tags: advised, eating, swim



  1. GiGi
    Is it necessary to avoid swimming for three hours after a meal? "It all depends on what you've eaten," says Marielle Ledoux, a professor in the Department of Nutrition at Universite de Montreal.

    "If you've had a light meal with no alcohol, there's no point in waiting that long. But if you've eaten steak or poutine, you should really wait a few hours."

    The reason is simple, as per Ledoux. "Foods that are rich in fat are harder to digest than carbohydrates. It takes more oxygen to metabolize them, so they aren't as good a source of energy for physical activity".

    Ledoux is a sports medicine specialist with a rare combination of expertise in both nutrition and physical education. She notes that muscle cramping is not caused by swimming in particular, but by any physical exertion. "However, if you have cramps in the water, it can be a catastrophe".

    Parents may keep their children out of the water after a meal because of a false belief that there's a link between digestion and fainting while swimming. Ledoux explains that the real cause of fainting in the water is the heart's reaction to the shock of the cold water on very hot skin. It is true that body temperature rises during digestion, increasing the risk of shock, but this can happen even several hours after eating. A lengthy sunbath can have the same result.

    Ledoux adds that a rise of even a few degrees Celsius in body temperature can cause dizziness, heatstroke and even death. "Perspiring helps cool the body, but there is a danger of dehydration, especially when you're engaging in vigorous activity in extremely hot weather. That's why you have to drink a lot of water when you're out in the sun for a long time".


    you are more likely to gets cramps on an empty stomach. The fact is that an episode of drowning caused by swimming on a full stomach has never been documented. Neither the American Academy of Pediatrics nor the American Red Cross makes any specific recommendations about waiting any amount of time after eating before taking a swim.I think it is an old wives tale.

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