
Why is my 13 old girl so popular with the boys?

by Guest6211  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Why is my 13 old girl so popular with the boys?

 Tags: 13, Boys, girl, popular



  1. Guest2644
    Maybe Because . Shes f*****g. I hate you !! but she doing it!! Better watch her!!

  2. Guest4818
    its ust a faze these boys will go thro theyll find another girl soon im 11 and every 1 boy liked me to start with me but ive got a bf now so as soon as she gets one theyll probs fnd some one elese
  3. Guest4709
    she likes the p***s. all popular girls at 13 end up giving someone a bj, why do you think im so happy? :P
  4. Guest326
    she probably loves p***s. i find that all popular 13 year old girls like to give head ;) why do u think im so happy?
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