
Why we hate valentines day?

by Guest5599  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Why we hate valentines day?

 Tags: Day, hate, Valentines



  1. Brett
    Valentines- Good grief, here it comes again. I don’t know about you, but Valentine’s Day always seems to sneak up on me like a tiger in the night. You’re drifting happily through the winter and suddenly it’s got its jaws round your throat. It’s not a day of love, it’s a romantic minefield. I hate it. It should be banned.

  2. Brett
    I really do feel that strongly, and yet I consider myself quite a loving kind of fella.
    So don’t call me heartless. I just don’t like being told when, exactly, I should come over all doting and devoted, and I don’t appreciate being punished if, on a cold, February evening, after a hard day of endless irritations, I can’t work myself up into a state of starry-eyed romantic zeal.
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