
Will Bill Belichick be fired?

by Guest2206  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Will Bill Belichick be fired for making arguably the worst coaching decision of his life?
With a chance to give Peyton Manning 70+ yards, 2 minutes, and no timeouts, he doesn't punt. He goes for it. He goes for it on 4th and 2 at his their own 30 yard line and was inches short. What makes this even better is...he's already extinguished his challenges for the game and can't challenge the spot of the ball, which was very close to the first down.

Now with 30 yards to work with Petyon Manning does his work and scores the go-ahead touchdown with 13 seconds to go.

 Tags: Belichick, bill, Fired



  1. Guest2304
    no way.  Bill feels he can get away with risky decisions because he has the three rings and he has proven himself to be a great coach.  Dont get me wrong it was a boneheaded move but Kraft would be insane to fire him.  The patriots will win the division and move on from this.

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