
Women prefer physical s*x, men are satisfied with the virtual

by Guest101550  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Is there anything that can compare with sweat, breathing, gestures, smells, tastes and sensations you enjoy s*x?

According to a study on ciberinfidelidad, have virtual s*x with people you meet online is a poor substitute for real s*x. New research shows that most people who cheat for the first time anywhere, terminansiendo unfaithful to their lovers with real-life lovers.

The evolution of technology is concerned, people have found new ways of relating, ie, have more options to meet people through the network. You do not need to go to bars, restaurants, or other places to live with new individuals, now we can do it from the comfort of our home.

Thanks to these developments, people have got to have love in very different ways. For example, you can now find your soul mate. In fact, the popularity of Internet and the anonymity it offers, have been released as preferred dating site.

Researchers at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, obtained permission from Ashley Madison, the famous internt dating site, to make the users engaged in a survey that said:, 's tagline? " Life is short. Have a sexual adventure. "

In three months, the researchers focused on 5000 187 adults who responded to the question, and they did some surveys on Internet use, sexual behaviors and attitudes online.

The results for women are more likely than men to sexting. We like flirting online more than them, but men prefer virtual s*x, even with a couple in real life. Ie men cheat on their virtual lovers with flesh and blood.

83 % of women said they had met someone in real life after having contacted on the web. We are who we insitimos us in to see the person with whom we are communicating online, agree withthe research, which is published in the journal Sexuality & Culture.

Finally we are where we prefer contact with the other person, we have a need to see, feel, smell, looking at flirting. A women like s*x enjoy exploiting each of our senses, from a simple look to penetration. Instead of the more visual, more direct and less sensitive men often conform with virtual s*x.


 Tags: Physical, prefer, Satisfied, sex, virtual, Women



  1. Guest101863
    Is there anything that can compare with sweat, breathing, gestures, smells, tastes and sensations you enjoy s*x?

    According to a study on ciberinfidelidad, have virtual s*x with people you meet online is a poor substitute for real s*x. New research shows that most people who cheat for the first time anywhere, terminansiendo unfaithful to their lovers with real-life lovers.

    The evolution of technology is concerned, people have found new ways of relating, ie, have more options to meet people through the network. You do not need to go to bars, restaurants, or other places to live with new individuals, now we can do it from the comfort of our home.

    Thanks to these developments, people have got to have love in very different ways. For example, you can now find your soul mate. In fact, the popularity of Internet and the anonymity it offers, have been released as preferred dating site.

    Researchers at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, obtained permission from Ashley Madison, the famous internt dating site, to make the users engaged in a survey that said:, 's tagline? " Life is short. Have a sexual adventure. "

    In three months, the researchers focused on 5000 187 adults who responded to the question, and they did some surveys on Internet use, sexual behaviors and attitudes online.

    The results for women are more likely than men to sexting. We like flirting online more than them, but men prefer virtual s*x, even with a couple in real life. Ie men cheat on their virtual lovers with flesh and blood.

    83 % of women said they had met someone in real life after having contacted on the web. We are who we insitimos us in to see the person with whom we are communicating online, agree withthe research, which is published in the journal Sexuality & Culture.

    Finally we are where we prefer contact with the other person, we have a need to see, feel, smell, looking at flirting. A women like s*x enjoy exploiting each of our senses, from a simple look to penetration. Instead of the more visual, more direct and less sensitive men often conform with virtual s*x.

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