
Young, Financially Stable Couple Looking to Adopt Unwanted Baby or Child Without Agency, Possible?

by Guest9011  |  13 years ago

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Hello everyone, my name is Andrea and my husbands name is Matthew. We are a young couple, 23 & 25 and have been married for three years. We live in NW Pennsylvania and currently have two free and empty bedrooms ready and needing to be filled. We have tried for quite sometime now to have a baby, but I unfortunately have been unable to carry for longer than a month or two due to miscarriage. All we have both ever wanted since we were both children ourselves is to have a child in which we can love and consider our own and it would not matter to us age, race, creed, or origin. We both have had experience with adoptions and fostercare in our lives,my mother and uncle having been adopted and my husband having been a ward of the state. So we have determined rather than trying to have a child of our own that we would much prefer to have a baby or child that is unwanted or unable to have a home otherwise through means of adoption. That way we will be able to provide for a child and have a child of our own and at the same time be providing where a child wouldn't have had such without someone stepping in.

See, we have been through the steps to adoption in our state and not only is it expensive it is also a long process and very complicated when going through an agency. That is when I stumbled upon people asking for adopting parents without worrying about an agency online. So I thought I would come out and say that we are more than willing to help anyone in this situation.

My husband and I are not rich by any means, but we do have finances available to us that we could have otherwise used for a child of our own birth so why not put that to a child that might need help otherwise? We would be willing to provide a baby/child with a very loving home filled with three adults (my husband, my aunt, and myself) as well as providing a stay at home mother for the child while the mother is taking online courses. We have three incomes coming into this house with more than enough give to raise a child. We also have two empty bedrooms that are just sitting and waiting to be able to provide security and safety to a baby/child.

A little bit about us, My husband is 23 years old and has had the same job for almost three years now and does not plan for that to change anytime soon. Although it is a restaurant, he makes a good bit a money being the top cook. He is also going to school for his degree in network administration/Information Technology and is hoping that in less than two years he will be able to get a even more well paying job doing the things he loves to do. With his grades being what they are right now at a 4.0 GPA he has already received top offers from companies around the state as well as outside the state, so we do not doubt that it should not be hard to accomplish this. I, myself, am 25 years old and in my second year at an online university going for my Bachelors in Psychology with an emphasis in Applied Behavioral Analysis. I am an also taking place in an accelerated Masters program, meaning that in a year and a half I shall have my Bachelors, and in two and a half years I shall have my masters. But for the time being I am staying at home on temporary disability from problems created by a car wreck several years ago. I have been approved by five doctors though that I am fit and more than healthy enough to raise a child though. So, I plan to go through my therapy and medical visits while going to school full time; which means I am getting an education while still having a personal monthly income coming in. So any child placed into our home would have a stay at home mother for a couple years and then once I have my bachelors I plan to return to work while finishing off my masters online. This leaves me to mention that we also have my mothers best friend of 8 years living with us as well. My mother and her had been living with us until my mothers death back in may and we have decided to let her stay because she is family, I have considered this woman an aunt since the second year I had known her. She is on permanent disability from a horse riding accident that she had five years ago but she has also been approved to be able to care for any child within our home by both doctors and adoption agencies because her disability only prevents her from being in a work environment for 8-10 hours a day, anything else is fine and approved. So, this is great as well because when I go back to work she will be able to be here with the child as well without having to rely on strangers.

So, overall our situation is a bit different than most, but it is no different in what we seek. My husband and I would love to have a family, raise a child and give home and love to a child that needs it more than trying to bring our own into this world. We have the means and time to provide and we are only going up in this world and doors are opening everywhere for us, but one door until now has still been closed and that is a child to call our own and give our love and ample knowledge to.  

Therefore, with this I ask, is there anyone that we might be able to help close a door for them on a chapter they thought they could not do or feel they are not able to do by raising their child, but at the same time open that door for us without making us go through an agency which only takes more time, more money ... the same time and money that we could put to a child today than waiting on a list for years? If so, we offer this opportunity to anyone, anywhere, those who have lost their way, are scared, or just want to do the right thing.

Please, if you are interested, and serious ... take our offer into consideration and then email me at

 Tags: Adopt, agency, baby, child, couple, financially, looking, stable, unwanted



  1. Margaret De Silva

    My name is Margaret i live in the UAE and i am looking out to adopt a baby girl from Bangalore please contact me on my e-mail -              for more information

    i am married to a lovely man and he too wants to adopt along with me please i am not scam i am very serious (i am a born again christian) I will take care of the child like my own for ever....

  2. Guest2066

    Hello there,

    I am contacting you my grand daughter who i am willing to give up for adoption.I am called Mr. Lugard Mayers and the baby goes by the name Kaimalia Gina Wattston.I am a 57 year old man i come from Boston Massachusetts in the USA.But now i am located in Cameroon with my granddaughter.I came here along with my daughter for treatment but as i got here with my daughter Brenda Mayers,she died in a fatal car accident when going for her weekly medical check up at the Bamenda Provincial Hospital.My doctors say that i do not have long time to live so that is why i am looking for a new home for my beautiful granddaughter. I spent all i had on the baby and my treatment and now i can not continue because i do not have any more finances and i am running out of time on this earth.

    To have this baby all i will want you to do is to promise me that you will take good care of the baby and that you will bring her up properly  in a God fearing manna and that you will show her lots of love and attention as if you where her real born Parent.Before giving out the baby to you,i will like you to answer the following question for me then we can proceed with the adoption procedure.

    1)How old are you??

    2)Are you married??

    3)What do you do for a leaving??

    4)Where are you located??

    5)Do you promise to love and take good care of the baby like your own??

    6)How soon do you want the baby??

    7)Will you be willing and able to take care of all that is needed to adopt the baby??

    8)Can you give me your contact number and address??

    9)Will give me updates on the baby when you get him till my time reaches??

    10)What  do you do for a leaving ?

    11)Brief History about your Family or your self .

    I have attached the only pics i have of the baby.I am sure that you will Love them.

    I will be waiting to read from you as soon as possible if  this is okay with you so that i can then proceed with the arrangements of the papers.if you are ready now then let me know so that i can start all the preparations necessary.I will be willing to do any thing to be sure that you can have the baby as soon as possible but all i  need now is your assurance that you will take good care  of the baby this is a very big choice i am making so i will like to know more about you .

    Please remain blessed  and please get back to me as soon as possible.

    Thanks and waiting to read from you as soon as possible.

    Lugard Mayers

  3. Guest1481

    Yes, well most of us would know that this is a scam, or possibly might be ... so still looking for other replies. Genuinely wanting to help and start a family here.



  4. Guest7376


    I will not disclose my personal details since this is open to the general public. However, my contact telephone number is 07424173673. I live in the Southwest of England and I would rather have a chat first before progressing it further.

    Best regards


  5. Guest9818

    Hi, My Name Is Wendy And Age 23 years. I'm a nursing mother and single parent to the baby boy . I am disabled (crippled-ca​r accident) and Due to my inability condition , i myself incapable of holding on to the responsibilities​s of raising up this child base on my financial stand , back-grown and my present condition . I'm here to get my baby boy a tenderly loving home and parents that will dedicate all his love , time and patience in raising this baby boy in a very loving environments​ . My baby boy is in good health , have good weights, playful and all medical reports are good. I'm healthy except of my disable condition , not a smoker nor an alcoholic . I love my baby boy very much , my placing him up for adoption is just get a family and home that i know will forever love and care for him better than i can do . Please , i will be more than just being happy to bless your with my baby boy provided you are the type of family i want for him . Please contact me via . ­ Thanks Please many peoples has contacted me thinking that i want to take their money off , please nooo no no i am not , please i am looking for a serious and christian family please .

  6. Guest2988

    Hi, My Name Is Wendy And Age 23 years. I'm a nursing mother and single parent to the baby boy . I am disabled (crippled-ca​r accident) and Due to my inability condition , i myself incapable of holding on to the responsibilities​s of raising up this child base on my financial stand , back-grown and my present condition . I'm here to get my baby boy a tenderly loving home and parents that will dedicate all his love , time and patience in raising this baby boy in a very loving environments​ . My baby boy is in good health , have good weights, playful and all medical reports are good. I'm healthy except of my disable condition , not a smoker nor an alcoholic . I love my baby boy very much , my placing him up for adoption is just get a family and home that i know will forever love and care for him better than i can do . Please , i will be more than just being happy to bless your with my baby boy provided you are the type of family i want for him . Please contact me via . ­ Thanks Please many peoples has contacted me thinking that i want to take their money off , please nooo no no i am not , please i am looking for a serious and christian family please .

  7. Guest3539

    I am so sorry that all you have had is scammers contacting you. I really do hope you are able to find someone who needs your help. Have you considered going to any of the homeless or women and childrens shelters? There's definitely mothers & families in need of help there. Wishing you all the best.


  8. Guest7348

    i am 6 m ths pregnant with a boy looking for a christian family who can also help me get my life back in order  do you know 80 pecent of adoptions come from women that already have kids. thats me i want to give my daughter a better life and my newborn son also.

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