
about excel

by Guest7891  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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about excel

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  1. amomipais82
    Hi There,
    This article covers the basics of how to enter data into an Excel spreadsheet. Items such as the importance of planning your spreadsheet before you enter data, widening columns, the types of data that can be entered, and editing cells to change data, are covered in this tutorial.

    Basic Excel 2003 Spreadsheet Tutorial
    The tutorial, as the name suggests, shows you how to create a basic spreadsheet in Excel 2003. Topics covered include entering data, creating simple formulas, and formatting a worksheet.
    Excel Math
    These articles cover how to carry out basic math operations in Microsoft Excel. If you want to know how to add, subtract, multiply, or divide numbers in Excel, these articles will show you how.

    Excel Formulas Step by Step Tutorial
    Formulas are a very important and a frequently used feature in Excel. This article uses a step by step example to show you how to create and use formulas in Excel.

    SUM and AutoSUM Step by Step Tutorial
    This step by step tutorial walks through how to use Excel's SUM function and the AutoSUM feature to perform spreadsheet calculations.

    How to Use the Excel's Date Function
    There are a number of date functions available in Excel. Depending on your needs, you can use a date function in Excel to return the current date, the current time, or the day of the week. This article covers the most commonly used date functions used in Excel.

    How to Use Excel Formatting Features
    There are a variety of formatting options available in Excel - conditional formatting, number formatting, text and general spreadsheet formatting techniques. This two part tutorial covers the basics of number formatting – adding commas, currency symbols, percent signs, and decimal spaces to cells in the worksheet, as well as changing cell colors, adding text formatting, and changing the alignment of text in cells.

    Add / Delete Columns and Rows
    It’s a rare occasion when a spreadsheet doesn’t need a change of layout before it is finished. When this happens in Excel, with a click of the mouse you can easily add that extra column or delete those unwanted rows.

    How to Use the Excel Chart Wizard
    A graph, or a chart as it is known in Microsoft Excel, is a visual representation of worksheet data. A chart often makes it easier to understand the data in a worksheet because users can easily pick out patterns and trends illustrated in the chart that are otherwise difficult to see. The quickest and easiest way to create a chart in Excel is to use the Chart Wizard. This step by step tutorial leads you through the four steps of using the Chart Wizard.

    Excel Printing
    Use the print options in Excel to print entire spreadsheets or just selected areas. The printing options can be accessed through a number of locations including the print button on the standard toolbar and several options under the File menu.

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