
bialleti won't make coffee

by Guest4439  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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bialleti won't make coffee

 Tags: bialleti, Coffee, wont



  1. amomipais82
    The media recently have been covering the use of social and professional networking sites as the newest career tool.  We’ve all heard of them and been invited to join by their members– Xing, Plaxo, LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, the list goes on.  The use of these sites has exploded—FaceBook has over 39 million active members, LinkedIn boasts over 14 million networked users and MySpace has a staggering 200 million users. Anyone who has been in marketing for more than five minutes would likely tell you that a person’s network is one of their most valuable assets. But the Rolodex could never work for you and build on itself with the ease of online professional networking.    

    LinkedIn is becoming more like Facebook by adding pictures to a person’s profile, and hinting at opening up their APIs for others to develop companion applications, while FaceBook has become more like LinkedIn by positioning themselves as the anti-MySpace and by opening the network last year to non-students.

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