
boys men when you was a child did a female bathe you naked and who and upto what age explain.

by gabe  |  11 years, 5 month(s) ago

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Female bathing naked underage boys.

 Tags: age, bathe, Boys, child, explain, female, naked, upto



  1. richardpr44

    While growing up, I was bathed by my mom, older sister, and a neighbor who often babysat me.  I was bathed to age 10 at which time I switched to showering on my own.  I actually missed my baths at first, because I enjoyed the attention. 

  2. Victor Strong

     Most young men I know were bathed by an older family member, mainly a mother or grandmother. In terms of full bathing including undressing, bathing, drying and changing I was probably about 4-5 when my mother stopped bathing me. I don't see a problem going up to 7-8 in some capacity, whether it be helping to dry or even bathing, but beyond that young boys should learn to bathe themselves...they'll have to do it for the rest of their lives.

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