
carolyn clifford of wxyz divorced?

by Guest9850  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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carolyn clifford of wxyz divorced?

 Tags: Carolyn, Clifford, divorced, WXYZ



  1. Guest6836
    she doesn't wear a wedding ring anymore...

  2. Guest7603
    Carolyn Clifford has not been wearing her wedding ring.  Whether she is officially divorced or not is not known.  It is only lately that she has not been wearing her wedding rings.
  3. Guest9372

    I've noticed that too for the past couple of months....maybe the financial strain of her husband's business issues has caused this...seems he's gotten himself in pretty deepv

  4. Guest1173

    Yes ~ filed for divorce on 1/4/11.

  5. Guest9671

     gosh, how does one get such insider info?  Sorry to hear it though - I think she has three children.  Wonder if she'll have to pay alimony?  

  6. Guest493

    She looks great on TV and even better in person... hope she finds happiness!

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