
chocolate. chocolate - I had the money in my hand, I had seen it on the shelf, I had saved until I

by Guest3339  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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chocolate - I had the money in my hand, I had seen it on the shelf, I had saved until I could afford it. My heart beat faster in anticipation, perhaps even a little sweat on my hands as I walked up to the shop assistant and whispered my hearts desire. "Could I have a kilogram of the cooking chocolate please?". I was fairly young at the time, I was suffering from addiction to chocolate and I sat down and ate a pile of chocolate the size of my own head, It was great it was all I imagined and more, and when an hour later I felt deathly ill it put me off chocolate for at least a week.

Chocolate is a drug, or more to the point it is many drugs in one, it has more psychoactive chemicals in it than just about anything else on earth. For those of us with a more refined taste than my younger self there are a range of types of chocolate with flavors from sweet to bitter, it makes you feel warm, satisfied, happy, loved.

People have even gone so far as to say that it is better than s*x, personally I want to know where they buy their chocolate, it can be as sweet and as sticky, have amazing variety and can even be shared with people you love and it is true, no one ever got pregnant from eating chocolate, but for me on average it might be good, but good chocolate as wonderful as it is, still falls a little short of the other possibilities.

Across the world, and across time chocolate has been amazingly popular and valued, as we scientifically investigate it's properties it becomes more and more apparent why it is so addictive to so many people. It is full of energy, increases Serotonin levels, has the sugar for an immediate high and the fat content to give lasting satisfaction, the taste is amazing, the texture smooth and all in all it is amazing not that people are addicted to chocolate but that everyone is not.

 Tags: chocolate



  1. Merlyn
    how many people do you know who actually 'suffer' from a chocolate addiction?! wow..
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