
diagram to replace heater core 1978 F-150?

by Guest8552  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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i can't get the panel off.

 Tags: 1978, core, diagram, F150, heater, replace



  1. amomipais82
    HI There,
    1. Remove Glove box to get better access (3 bolts on bottom) 2 Disconect vacum lines, wires and cable (mark for reinstall) 3 Disconect drain hose (bottom of box to floor) 4. Unbolt water hoses from inside engine compartment 5. Locate 2 nuts on firewall that loosen compleate heater box 6. Twist and rotate to drop heat core box. 7. Take box apart (diagram how everything comes apart) ........(be careful to save all rubber, might need later) 8. order seal set and appropriate heater core .......(mine was for a car with a/c) 9. Glue foam and rubber seals back into original postion .......(used 3M spray glue) 10. Make sure core is situated properly in box ........(old rubber worked better in some spots) 11. Lift and twist to get box back up into position ........(this took the most time, to align thru firewall) 12 Reconect all vacum lines, plugs, wires and cables to original position (Glad you marked them when taking apart!) 13. Reconect Hoses 14. Reinstall glove box

  2. Guest979
    with out a/c
  3. Guest7835
    diagram to replace heater core with air 351-m 1978 f-150
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