
does culture benefits science?

by Guest586  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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does culture benefits science?

 Tags: benefits, culture, science



  1. amomipais82
    Hi There,
        *  Large numbers of plants can be produced from a single, or a few stock plants.
        * Micropropogated plants can be produced at any time of the year, and so can be sold out of season at a higher price.
        * Plant diseases can be avoided as meristematic tissue is virus free and bacteria free - it lacks vascular tissue so it is much less likely to get disease.
        * Plants such as orchids which are difficult to grow from seed in large amounts can be produced in large amounts and sold at a reasonable price
        * Plants can be designed to order - for example the plant Ficus which can be produced in a single or multi-stemmed form
        * Standardising growing condirions means standard batches of plants are produced - a sales advantage
        * Micropropogated plants are small and lightweight so can be freighted easily and cheaply
        * Some fruit and nut trees have a juvenility problem where they cannot produce fruit for between 5 and 20 years - cloning by tissue culture overcomes this.

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