
everyone is here for a purpose - does that mean everyone is here for the same purpose or for individual purposes?

by Guest2014  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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everyone is here for a purpose - does that mean everyone is here for the same purpose or for individual purposes?

 Tags: -, individual, mean, purpose, purposes?



  1. Guest4632
    from islamic point of view every1 here is 4 the same purpose,to spread islam and to live his life  on the way told by our prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.W)

  2. Guest3585
    Acording to my faith and believe every indiviual has its own purpose
  3. Guest182
    there  are  different  purposes  but  all  of  us  have  some  common  aswell  like  worshiping  God,being  a  good  human  being
  4. Guest9611
    im here to propose a girl :P
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