
for apllying in USA

by Guest2993  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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i want to apply for USA for student visa but i haven't done IELTS  and TOEFL so please give me some

 Tags: apllying, USA



  1. amomipais82
    Complete Form DS-11: Application for a U.S. Passport. To submit Form DS-11, you:
    Must apply in person at an Acceptance Facility or Passport Agency
    Must include the additional documentation required by Form DS-11 (See Steps 2-5)
    Must not sign the application until instructed to do so by the Acceptance Agent
    Must provide your SSN in accordance with 26 U.S.C. 6039E

    STEP 2: Submit Evidence of U.S. Citizenship

    When applying for a U.S. passport in person, evidence of U.S. citizenship must be submitted with Form DS-11. All documentation submitted as citizenship evidence will be returned to you. These documents will be delivered with your newly issued U.S. passport or in a separate mailing. Primary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (One of the following):

    Previously issued, undamaged U.S. Passport
    Certified birth certificate issued by the city, county or state*
    Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
    Naturalization Certificate
    Certificate of Citizenship

    *A certified birth certificate has a registrar's raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar’s signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar's office, which must be within 1 year of your birth. Please note, some short (abstract) versions of birth certificates may not be acceptable for passport purposes.

    NOTE: If you do not have primary evidence of U.S. citizenship or your U.S. birth certificate does not meet the requirements, please see Secondary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship.

    STEP 3: Present Identification  

    When applying for a U.S. passport in person, acceptable identification must be presented at the time of application.Primary Identification (One of the following):

    Previously issued, undamaged U.S. passport
    Naturalization Certificate
    Valid Driver's License
    Current Government ID (city, state or federal)
    Current Military ID (military and dependents)

    If you cannot submit primary identification, please see Secondary Identification.
    If you apply at an Acceptance Facility and submit out-of-state primary identification, you must present an additional ID document, as well. For example, if you apply in Maryland with a Virginia Driver's License, you must present additional ID.

    STEP 4: Submit a Photocopy of the Identification Document Presented (STEP 3)

    The photocopy must be of the ID document that you will present when you apply.
    Photocopy must be on plain white, 8 1/2 x 11" standard paper stock, showing the front and the back of your ID
    Photocopy must contain images on only one-side of each page submitted.
    If copies cannot be made on the same side of one page, you may present two separate pages; one displaying the front of the ID and the second displaying the back of the ID.
    The paper should be free of other images and/or markings.
    The 8 1/2 x 11" paper size cannot be substituted with a larger or smaller size paper, even if the alternative folds down to the 8 1/2 x 11" size.
    You may enlarge the image of your ID on the 8 1/2 x 11" page, but you may not decrease the size of the image.

    Other situations that require a photocopy of identification, but are less common, include:
    If you are presenting Secondary Identification, you must provide a photocopy each document being presented with your application.
    If you submit out-of-state primary identification, you must provide a photocopy of each additional identification document submitted with the primary ID.
    An assistant to a disable applicant who witnesses the signature or signs on the disabled customer's behalf must present a photocopy of his or her ID
    A person acting as an Identifying Witness must present a photocopy of his or her ID

    STEP 5: Pay the Applicable Fee

    Please see Current Passport Fees and methods of payment.

    STEP 6: Provide Two Passport Photos

    We can help you submit clear and correctly exposed passport photos the first time - especially when applying for the U.S. Passport Card. See Quality Requirements for Passport Book & Passport Card Photographs to avoid photo processing delays.

    Your Photographs Must Be:
    In color
    2 x 2 inches in size
    Taken within the past 6 months, showing current appearance
    Full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background
    Between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head
    Taken in normal street attire:
    Uniforms should not be worn in photographs except religious attire that is worn daily
    Do not wear a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline
    If you normally wear prescription glasses, a hearing device, wig or similar articles, they should be worn for your picture
    Dark glasses or nonprescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless you need them for medical reasons (a medical certificate may be required)

    Vending machine photos are not generally acceptable
    See Digitized Passport Photos for information on acceptable digital photos
    Professional photographers see Guidelines for Producing High Quality Photographs for U.S. Travel Documents


    You should make an appointment to be seen at a Regional Passport Agency only if:
    The U.S. passport is needed in less than 2 weeks for international travel
    The U.S. passport is needed within 4 weeks to obtain a foreign visa

    Contact the National Passport Information Center to make an appointment or locate a Passport Agency.

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