
garrison electronic safe ea23

by Guest6312  |  13 years ago

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I just need to know how to make the beeping stop and to find out what is wrong with my safe.  I cannot find the key?  Can I order a new key?  Is there a code pass if I do not have the key.  I have my receipt and serial number.  Please advise.

 Tags: ea23, Electronic, Garrison, safe



  1. Benny Matsson

     My problem is that the key is inside the safe. Will not open with 12345678A as the battery is dead.  My solution is to take a grinder with a Zip disk and cut a hole on the bottom to get this key out. Open the safe, put in a fresh battery and reset the combination. I have never used the safe. The hole I cut at the bottom I will be covered with a patch or just leave it and bolt the safe down to something solid from the inside. That's about it :))

  2. amomipais82
    Try 12345678A this number seems to open almost all these safes, and try resetting your code, pressing the red button inside the door, reset then hit B then to confirm do it again, even though your not safe the number 1 through 8 A will open it.

    Best of luck
  3. Guest5491
    I can't believe the safe can be opened with 12345678a........ how do I stop this? this product is useless and pathetic if this can be done...... !!!!!! someone know how to disable?
  4. Guest7954
    the other thing that is funny with this safe, is that i also lost the key.  however, when i took a small screwdriver, pulled off the plastic front to access the  key hole, i pushed down all the tumblers in the lock mechanism with the screwdriver and turned the handle.  voila, safe opened.  not a very "secure or safe" safe by any means.
  5. Guest2993
    I forgot my password for opening the garrison electronic safe ea23.
  6. Guest7875
    hi i have ea23 i need the code thanks
  7. Guest7453
    if there is no key holes, the password don't work, how do i open the safe?  how to change battery?
  8. Guest2390
    I used the key to open my safe and to change the batteries. after changing them, I cannot lock the safe anymore. the key stays in the unlock position and wont turn.

    How do I go about locking the safe again?


  9. Guest2194
    i have a eletronic safe ea23 i bought it from a friend i have the key but i was wonder if there was any way to reset the pass code he has forgotten the code can any one help
  10. Guest8765
    i type in my password and the safe won't open can you tell what i have to do
  11. Guest3386
    I locked my key in my garrison electric safe EA23.I don't believe I have a code in.Could you send me another key Please  e-mail is
  12. Guest4940

    12345678A Will NOT open the door

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Benny Matsson


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