
ghosts or demons who sexualy rape humans

by Guest9764  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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ghosts or demons who sexualy rape humans

 Tags: Demons, Ghosts, humans, Rape, sexualy



  1. Guest8011

     well,i am the same guy who asked the question,and i did it to just see if anyone else might know about this! i am a native of morocco,where aa very strong genre of black magic is performed on a daily basis, by people wwho wishes to do bad things to  harm other people.anyway'when i was 13yeas old,,our appatement building's entrancewas all the way in the back facing the woods, it was kind of spooky when i use to come home late at night!and one night as im walking up the not well lit wwrapped its arms and legs aroud me sqweezing the breath out of me slaming me against the wall with a verry strong frightenning strent i ccould hear its breathing as its chin sat on my shoulder,i was screaming on top of my lungs ,but there was no sound coming out!and yes he/it sexually raped me !!! t'ill today my r****m is still scarred from it ....  you know!!! and fialy i was thrown forward so hard ,my body got slmmed against the wall ,and again a scare over the side of my left eye brow ,is still a reminder that it happened to me..


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