
help for a 5 yr old boy with great ANGER / TANTRUMS

by Guest2505  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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My 5 yr old grandson dx with PDD-NOS ASP ADHD is very angry and having tantrums lasting 1 to 2 hrs.  This can start a 5 AM and cause deep stress in the house. How do you handle him saying NO with anger to everything he is asked to do from brushing his teeth to eating to asking him to get dressed.

 Tags: Anger, Boy, Help, tantrums, yr



  1. amomipais82
    Don't be too hard on yourself we all struggle with angerIslets of langerhans
    Ovarian cancer dangers
    Pancreatic islet cell tumor from time to time.  Some how our children seem to bring out the worst in us at times.  I too struggle with staying calm when my 4 year old screams at me or throws a outright temperTemper tantrums tantrumTemper tantrums.  I found the best way to keep him calm is to remain calm myself.  They also feed off of our emotions and the sound of our voice.  I have to work really hard not to use a voice that sounds angry or frustrated because that makes him more frustrated and angry.  It's hard to stay calm and I have to work at it daily.  My son does the same things yours does.  I have been hit, kicked, scratched, punched, pinched, and had my faceFace pain squeezed.  I think some children just have a harder time dealing with the strong emotions of frustration and anger.  My child is awesome as well and things are calming down a lot as he grows older and learns to control himself a little better.  Time outs work well to because it gives them a chance to calm down and you as well.  I have even put myself in a time out because I was just too angry to do anything at the time.  It sounds like are children are an awful lot alike.  Wish you the best and hang in there.

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