
help me

by Guest7036  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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help me

 Tags: Help



  1. Guest5027

     What kind of help do you need. Are you stuck somewhere or do you need some sort of financial help. You need to specify what help are you in need of. 

    Only then someone can help you out from the problem you are in to. Moreover always have faith in your self because human beings are given an ability to do any thing. It is in all humans that they can do any thing in any circumstances. So never loose hope and always keep trying as one day you will be the one who can help others. 

    And if you will be waiting for others to help you in your work or life then you will be just sitting idol and there won't be any help because the world is changing altogether and people have not got that much of time out from their daily routine. So you need not waste the time which is in your hands and make best outcome from your life and live your own life through hard work and struggle. 

    Rest it is up to you that you want to take help from others or do you want to help your self. And in my opinion the later one is the best one. Best of luck my friend.   

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