
hi ! what is furosemide used for. i need to know

by Guest1972  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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hi ! what is furosemide used for. i need to know??
i have found an answer here - but i'm not sure if it's right

 Tags: furosemide, HI



  1. amomipais82
    Furosemide (Lasix®) is a prescription medication that has been licensed to treat a couple of conditions. These specific furosemide uses include:

    Controlling high blood pressure (hypertension)
    Treating water retention (edema) caused by various conditions, including:
    o Congestive heart failure (CHF)
    o Cirrhosis
    o Kidney disease or kidney failure (renal failure).
    Furosemide for High Blood Pressure
    A blood pressure reading consists of two numbers -- for example: 120/80. The top number is known as the systolic blood pressure, and the bottom number is the diastolic blood pressure. High blood pressure is defined as an average blood pressure higher than 140/90, with multiple blood pressure readings.

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