
how can i persuade my mum &' dad to let me stay at a lads house?

by Guest1915  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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So this lad, wants me to stay at his house with my best fwend and his .
iv asked my mum and dad they said no.. what do i say?

 Tags: dad, House, lads, mum, persuade, stay



  1. Guest4888
    I'm sure he doesn't want to have you over to read the bible and has other ideas in his mind. but i'm sure you know that also.  parents want what is best for their children and they want to protect them from growing up too fast. i'm not sure how old you are but; live your age and grow up with time. double dates with staying over at someones house leads to very few things. how long do you know this guy for and do your parents know him also? my advice is to be very honest with your parents, trust goes a long way to get what you want without breaking it.

  2. Guest6069
    Thankyou for you advice, urmm my mum and dad dont know him but iv asked when hes aloud over but my mum doesnt want to know. i 16 very soon. Soo yeahh, dads very protective and awlays has been. but i want him to know some  how im not 10 anymore still into dolls.
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