
how can you beg parents for a phone

by Guest7709  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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i need heip im  my parents wont let me have a phone can some one tell me how i can convice them please

 Tags: beg, parents, phone



  1. Guest4783
    always use the word 'emergency'
    you need it for emergency- in case
    you end up in a situation, where you need
    the phone to contact them orr tell them
    it will  better for them- to keep intouch
    with you whilst your out.

  2. amomipais82
    would stress the fact that you are more than responsible enough to handle one by now. Tell them that you are different than your friends in the aspect that you won't go over the line or break the rules given with the phone. Parents are the most afraid of the bill that comes with their kids having a cell. Reassure them that it won't happen (running up a large bill) and if it does they can take it back and you won't mention it again. Make sure that you fully understand your limitations so there is no misunderstandings as well. But then it will be your responsibility to keep that promise if you want to keep your phone.
    Hope it helps
  3. jane

    Just tell them that why you need a phone. Tell them the advantages of phone and that you dont want a phone for miss use and that it is your necessity. And also try to find out that why dont they bought a phone for you.

    hope it helps
  4. Guest7723
    whoops, forgot to sign in.

    always use the word 'emergency'
    you need it for emergency- in case
    you end up in a situation, where you need
    the phone to contact them orr tell them
    it will better for them- to keep intouch
    with you whilst your out.
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