
how come when villians shoot bullets at superman, he stands there and let the bullets hit him, but when they throw the actual gun at him he ducks?

by Guest2286  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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how come when villians shoot bullets at superman, he stands there and let the bullets hit him, but when they throw the actual gun at him he ducks?

 Tags: Actual, bullets, ducks?, gun, him,, Hit, Shoot, stands, Superman,, throw, villians



  1. Guest718
    hahahaha nice point because... hmmmm i don't know

  2. Guest6259
    Because he is Supermannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  3. Guest2553
    Mr Peter did you read the question bra?
  4. Guest9071
    i think that this is very stupid of the movie makers because they can make an awesome scene out of it... HOW??? imagine the villian throws the gun at superman... superman catches it and bends it with his hands... that would be awesome...
  5. Guest6034
    Maybe he can be hurt by guns. But not bullets.
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