
how do i go up to a guy i really like in 4th grade

by Guest6310  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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how do i go up to a guy i really like in 4th grade

 Tags: 4th, grade, guy



  1. Guest4427
    Just be yourself, if you don't know how to approach him, ask: "Hi, how are you? Or, what's up?" then you could probably start up a conversation with him. But remember, be yourself, that's a big mistake I made. I really hop it goes well, good luck. >_<


  2. Guest5328
    ill try but it might be ocwared
  3. Guest2051
    like the guy said be your sself and walk up to hom say what up and hang with him as if he were a friend and then if u think he likes u just go for it ASK HIM OUT!!
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